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Understanding the Causes, Symptoms and How to Overcome Mine Worm Disease

Hookworm can be experienced by anyone. It's just that children are more at risk of hookworm. Hookworm is commonly found in areas that have tropical and subtropical climates. This disease, can occur due to contact with soil contaminated by hookworm.

Migration from the skin into the body

Hookworm infections occur when larvae or hookworms found in contaminated soil migrate to the body through the skin. Larvae that enter the skin may be carried by the bloodstream and into the respiratory tract to the lungs. Then hookworm larvae that move towards the esophagus, can be swallowed, then live and develop in the small intestine into the form of adult hookworm, so that it can cause hookworm disease, which can cause various complaints. Frequent direct contact between skin and soil that has been contaminated, making children a group that has a higher risk. Because they often play without using footwear. Eating raw vegetables that are contaminated with hookworm eggs can also trigger hookworm infections. This relates to how to wash vegetables improperly and not cleanly.

Possible Symptoms

For those who experience hookworm infection, the symptoms that arise are not specific. However, some people who get hookworm infections, may experience a rash and itching on the skin where the hookworm larvae enter. Hookworm that enters the lungs, possibly can cause symptoms of coughing or sound when breathing (wheezing). It generally occurs a few weeks after contact with hookworm or worm eggs. In the case of hookworm that has lodged in the intestine, the patient may experience diarrhea and feel other symptoms such as abdominal pain, heartburn, fever, lost appetite, nausea, itching, until there is blood in the stool or feces. If hookworm infection that occurs is classified as severe, the patient may experience anemia. Anemia can occur because worms that stick to the intestine suck blood. Another serious condition that can occur in patients with hookworm is malnutrition. Even in children, hookworm disease can seriously affect mental development and impair growth due to loss of iron and protein.

Drug Examination and Administration

If you experience symptoms of hookworm disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out which hookworm infection occurs. Your doctor may suggest a stool or stool analysis, which is a stool examination in a laboratory using a microscope to find out how many hookworm eggs there are in the stool. The number of hookworm eggs found in the feces, can be a reference to how severe the worm infection suffered. To treat hookworm, your doctor may give you anthelminitic or anthelminitic recommendations such as:
  • Albendazole
  • Ivermectin
  • Mebendazole
In patients with feces containing hookworm eggs in excess of 2,000 eggs in each gram of feces, this could indicate that the patient has a risk of anemia due to hookworm disease. To overcome this, your doctor may also recommend the consumption of folic acid to help the formation of red blood cells. Iron supplements may also be recommended so that iron intake can be sufficient. To avoid hookworm disease, it is advisable to wear footwear especially if walking on land that may be contaminated. Washing vegetables or other food ingredients is also a step to reduce the risk of hookworm.


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